
Sunday 21 June 2015

Discover Good Luck!!

A few days ago, I was having a chat with a friend and we spoke about work, career change, and life in general. As we chatted, our conversation moved to the topic of LUCK!

He asked "why are some people so lucky?" 

I thought it was a good question to write about.

The Story of "Good Luck"

This is a picture of a book given to me by my former employer, as a parting gift. A simple-to-read book about luck. 

Its a story within a story of how 2 friends met after many years by chance. One had achieved great success while the other did not. The secret to success is told within a fable about a Magic Clover, with two knights vying to find it. The book is peppered with valuable gems about creating your own luck.  

Serendipity Is All Around

Everyone we meet, every conversation we enter into, every situation we face present a chance that could have a potential impact in our lives. 

Some years ago, a chance conversation at a BBQ dinner opened the door to training opportunities in South Asia, that became a multi-year engagement. A phone conversation that started out as nothing more than a casual remark proved the opening for me to switch careers. More recently, the types of projects I have been assigned led to the discovery of capabilities unknown to me and my superiors, opening doors to further new opportunities. 

On hindsight, I think a lot of the lucky breaks I experienced came about through such chance moments. I believe you can increase your propensity to be "lucky" in life if you apply some "lucky" lessons.

"Lucky" Lessons!!

1. Be Observant
Sometimes it pays to take a step back, observe, and seize the lucky breaks that come along. Keep your eyes open, pay attention and you will be surprised what you can find.

In a famous research by Richard Wiseman, a psychologist from the University of Hertfordshire and author of The Luck Factor, he asked 2 groups of people, one who said they were generally lucky and another generally unlucky, to count the number of photographs inside a newspaper. In the 2nd page of the newspaper was a huge message that said "Stop counting - There are 43 photographs in this newspaper". 

The lucky people spotted it and stopped counting when they saw this, but the unlucky people continued counting and on average took 2 minutes to complete the count. Somehow, despite the information staring in their face, the group that said they were generally unlucky either missed this or didn't quite trust this information enough to use it. Or perhaps they felt they should "stick to the rules" which was to count the number of photographs. 

When an opportunity presents itself, take a chance. Investigate it, understand it, and find a way you can leverage on it. And sometimes, a little faith can go a long way. 

2. Be Curious
Keep an open mind. Welcome new ideas that might not fit into your world view. Don't just accept wisdom from traditional sources you are comfortable with. Have the intellectual curiosity to learn from a variety of sources. 

The Power of "Why"
"Why" is my favourite question. Its a good way to get to the reasons behind a comment, suggestion or solution to understand the intricacies. Always ask "why" to gain better insights. 
3. Don't Wait - Create New Conditions 
Lucky people are prepared to take chances, try new things or explore new ideas. They create the conditions for good luck. 

Here are some ways I created conditions that worked for me that I hope will bring you luck:  

a. Take a new course of study. When you take a course, you get exposed to new ideas that can open new avenues. 

b. Help others. Rather than think only about yourself, see if you can be of help to others. They will remember you and in time, should they feel an opportunity might be useful to you, you will be top of mind. 

c.  Reach out to different people. In my second post, I wrote about reaching out to your networks. I'm a firm believer of the power of networking. Meet different people because through such meetings, an opportunity may arise. 

Luck Is In Your Hands

Sometimes, it takes a little bit of luck to successfully transit to a new career, new role, or a new opportunity. I hope with this post, you will see that you can create your own luck. 

Before I end, I'd like to share a video I stumbled upon. I won't say its a scientific experiment of any sort about luck, but I did enjoy it and I hope you do to.  

Derren Brown - The Experiments: The Secret of Luck (Full)

Good luck!!

Taking one little step at a time,
Aslam Sardar

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